GSTC India Working Group: Leadership Change

Aditi Chanchani assumes responsibilities as Chair of the GSTC India Working Group from October 2022, which came together to augment the functions of GSTC globally based on agreed-upon principles of sustainability at the national level.

“I have known Aditi, as an influential voice among the civil society space having worked extensively in research, policy formulation, and advocacy on tourism issues and impacts,”, said CB Ramkumar, GSTC Board member and current Chair of the GSTC India Working Group (IWG).

Aditi brings significant experience having worked in sustainable tourism and engaged with a wide range of stakeholders over two decades of work within the tourism space. She shares, “Sustainable tourism as a concept is gaining momentum. I look forward to this opportunity to learn from GSTC globally and to build on this body of work within the country.”

The GSTC IWG is a four-member team, with Rajesh Nambiar responsible for the engagement with the travel and hospitability industry and certification bodies. Freeda Maria is in charge of advocacy with the State governments and UT’s, research, communication and media engagement. CB Ramkumar will work closely with Aditi to develop the Sustainable Tourism Training Programme and mentor the IWG team.

For more details on the GSTC India Working Group: