Ata City Lakes and Plateau has recently achieved its first GSTC Certification. Together with APT Valsugana, already certified since 2019, it is the first GSTC-Certified* tourism district in Trentino by Vireo, a  GSTC-Accredited Certification Body

Accredited means that a Certification Body (CB) has been verified through a rigorous external review from an accreditation body whereby the GSTC provides assurance that the CB awards certification to businesses according to processes that comply with international standards and good practices.

Trento, Rovereto and Vallagarina, and Alpe Cimbra achieve GSTC Certification in Trentino, Italy«It was not an easy path,» commented Stefania Clemente, Coordinator of Trentino Marketing, «which required more than a year of process and intense coordination work. We strongly wanted the three APTs of Trento, Rovereto and Vallagarina and Alpe Cimbra to reach the goal together to join Valsugana in the birth of the Sustainable Tourism District.»

«Alpe Cimbra has for many years been committed together with its operators and local authorities,» said Daniela Vecchiato, Director APT Alpe Cimbra, «to implementing actions aimed at increasing the culture of sustainability, and this is demonstrated by participation in the Alpine Pearls organization and the creation of an Ecofriendly product club. Today this certification marks an important turning point to continue with actions and projects with ever greater incisiveness.»

«As a Tourism Company – commented Matteo Agnolin, Director of APT Trento – we firmly believe in this development model, which has its roots in active involvement and continuous discussion with our operators, local institutions, guests and the local community. An important synergy to protect the territory of Trento, Monte Bondone, and the Pinè Plateau with the aim of preserving its immense naturalistic, historical, and food and wine heritage and at the same time promoting the economic and social growth of the communities.»

The territories of Valsugana and Alpe Cimbra have created thematic holiday packages and inter-area experiences, enticing tourists to experience special outdoor moments even more.

For insights and more information:, and 

Continue reading the original article written by Nicola Gonfiantini in Italian here:


*Note: The term “GSTC-Certified” is shorthand for “certified by a Certification Body that is GSTC-Accredited»