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Members News

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1 07, 2020

Revising GSTC’s Destination Criteria

2021-07-11T16:37:48+08:00July 1st, 2020|

Destination Stewardship Report – Summer 2020 (Volume 1, Issue 1) This post is from the Destination Stewardship Report (Summer 2020, Volume 1, Issue 1), an e-quarterly publication that provides practical information and insights useful to anyone whose work or interests involve improving destination stewardship in a post-pandemic world. The Elaborate Process of Revising Your [...]

1 07, 2020

Destination Stewardship Report – Inaugural Issue

2021-08-08T00:46:04+08:00July 1st, 2020|

Destination Stewardship Report Summer 2020 Q3 (Volume 1, Issue 1) Welcome to the Destination Stewardship Report. This quarterly e-newsletter is a collaboration between the Destination Stewardship Center and Global Sustainable Tourism Council, and in time maybe others. Our goal is to provide information and insights useful to anyone whose work or interests involve improving [...]

14 11, 2019

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Joins GSTC

2019-11-14T12:08:55+08:00November 14th, 2019|

Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has joined the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) as a Destination Member. As the largest volcanic island in Korea, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province is one of Koreans’ popular destinations due to its unique and beautiful nature and culture, and is most commonly known to Koreans as the best honeymoon destination in [...]

11 11, 2019

Agoda Joins GSTC

2022-07-06T12:51:49+08:00November 11th, 2019|

Agoda has officially joined as a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The GSTC engages with a worldwide network of members, who represent a wide range of tourism stakeholders. Being a GSTC member means actively participating in GSTC’s global network, contributing to the important work of the GSTC in promoting the widespread adoption [...]

14 10, 2019 Joins GSTC

2022-07-06T12:51:28+08:00October 14th, 2019|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is pleased to announce that, one of the world’s leading digital travel platforms, has officially joined as a member of GSTCs global network. Representing a wide range of tourism stakeholders, GSTC members are active drivers for sustainability in travel and tourism and contribute to the important work [...]

10 08, 2019
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Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) Awards Hotels through the National Sustainable Tourism Certification (NSTC)

2019-08-29T20:29:08+08:00August 10th, 2019|

Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) initiated the National Sustainable Tourism Certification (NSTC) as the first step towards making Sri Lanka's tourism industry sustainable with the technical and financial assistance from UNDP Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN). As part of the process, hotels were awarded for their sustainable practices on 5th August 2019 at Ape Game, [...]

16 04, 2019

Travel with Care in Thailand

2020-09-01T13:40:11+08:00April 16th, 2019|

Travel with Care in Thailand Thailand's Tourism and Sports Minister Weerasak Kowsurat acknowledged that sustainable tourism looks beyond economic benefits: "Thailand, which witnessed 38 million tourist arrivals last year and tourism revenue approaching 20% of GDP, has provided us with a more challenging job." The tasks, he said, are to ensure fair distribution of [...]

5 04, 2019

GSTC Member St. Kitts’ Sustainable Destination Council (SDC) Wins WTTC Tourism for Tomorrow Destination Stewardship Award 2019

2021-01-15T12:02:58+08:00April 5th, 2019|

GSTC Member St. Kitts’ Sustainable Destination Council (SDC) Wins WTTC 2019 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards in the Destination Stewardship category Once Again, GSTC Member Wins WTTC Tourism for Tomorrow Destination Stewardship Award 2019: St. Kitts’ Sustainable Destination Council (SDC) WTTC has announced the 2019 leaders in sustainable tourism at the 2019 Tourism for Tomorrow [...]

28 08, 2018

GSTC long-time member Khiri Travel celebrated its 25th anniversary with travel industry leaders

2018-08-29T20:55:52+08:00August 28th, 2018|

On 24th August, Khiri Travel company employees, travel industry leaders, and other guests, gathered in Bangkok to celebrate Khiri Travel's silver (25th) anniversary. Khiri Travel was founded by Willem Niemeijer in Bangkok in 1993 to arrange travel to Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia at a time when the Mekong region was opening to tourists. From [...]

1 03, 2013

Announcement from ICOMOS President

2021-01-09T14:22:24+08:00March 1st, 2013|

Sue Millar, President ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Tourism ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Cultural Tourism is delighted to be associated with the work of GSTC as an Institutional Member. ICOMOS – the International Council on Monuments and Sites – works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage [...]

27 09, 2010

Fairmont Mayakoba

2021-01-09T13:34:58+08:00September 27th, 2010|

The Fairmont Mayakoba, on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, is a tourist destination nestled in the heart of Riviera Maya. The hotel offers spectacular views of canals, lagoons, and mangrove forests, and also offers close access to Cozumel, Chichén Itzá, and beautiful beaches. But being a beautiful resort and a tourist destination was not [...]

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