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GSTC Recognition

Home/News/GSTC Recognition
26 02, 2015

Green Growth 2050 Achieves GSTC-Recognized Status

2021-10-04T18:27:22+08:00February 26th, 2015|

February 25, 2015 – The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is pleased to announce that and VisionCSR's Green Growth 2050 sustainable tourism standard has achieved 'GSTC Recognized' status. Green Growth 2050 Standard  has been developed to meet the needs of tourism and travel businesses seeking today's solutions to the issues driving social, cultural [...]

19 01, 2015

Green Star Hotel Achieves GSTC Recognition

2021-04-09T07:26:53+08:00January 19th, 2015|

January 20, 2015 – The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) is pleased to announce that the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism’s Green Star Hotel program has achieved ‘GSTC Recognized’ status. The awarded status affirms Green Star Hotel’s commitment to promote sustainable tourism products and services. Green Star Hotel is a national [...]

21 02, 2014

Chilean National System for Distinction of Sustainable Tourism Achieves ‘Recognized’ Global Sustainable Tourism Council status for its Standard

2021-12-11T04:27:00+08:00February 21st, 2014|

 WASHINGTON, D.C. (February, 2014)- The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) recently announced that the Chilean national system for distinction of sustainable tourism has achieved ‘recognized’ certification status. This commendation acknowledges its commitment to promote sustainable tourism products and services recognized by the GSTC. “Chile has shown clear leadership and commitment [...]

21 02, 2014

Asociación de Hoteles de Turismo de la República Argentina (AHT)’s “Greener Hotels” (Hoteles+Verdes) Achieves ‘Recognized’ Global Sustainable Tourism Council Status for its Standard

2021-12-11T04:43:31+08:00February 21st, 2014|

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January, 2014) - The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) recently announced that the Asociación de Hoteles de Turismo de la República Argentina (AHT)’s “Greener Hotels” (Hoteles+Verdes) has achieved ‘recognized’ certification status. The awarded status benchmarks its commitment to promote sustainable tourism products and services recognized by the GSTC. “I am delighted that [...]

8 04, 2013

TourCert Achieves ‘Recognized’ Global Sustainable Tourism Council Status for its Tour Operator Standard

2021-06-24T07:23:56+08:00April 8th, 2013|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) recently announced TourCert Standard for Tour Operators has achieved ‘recognized’ certification status. The awarded status benchmarks its commitment to promote sustainable tourism products and services recognized by the GSTC. “We commend TourCert, a non-profit organization for tourism certification, on its commitment to providing tourists [...]

4 02, 2013

Travelife Achieves ‘Recognized’ Global Sustainable Tourism Council Status for its Tour Operator and Travel Agents Standard

2020-01-29T11:44:26+08:00February 4th, 2013|

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) recently announced that the Travelife Standard for Tour Operators and Travel Agents has achieved ‘recognized’ certification status. This is the first standard for tour operators and travel agents to receive certification from the GSTC.  The awarded status benchmarks its commitment to promote sustainable tourism products and [...]

19 12, 2012

Japan Ecolodge Association Achieves ‘Recognized’ Global Sustainable Tourism Council Status for Hotel and Tour Operators

2020-01-29T11:46:32+08:00December 19th, 2012|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) recently announced that Japan Ecolodge Association (ECOLA) has attained the organization’s ‘recognized’ certification status for its Japan Environmentally Sustainable Accommodations International Standard (ESAIS). The awarded status benchmarks its public commitment to promote sustainable tourism products and services recognized by the GSTC. ECOLA has committed to using the GSTC Criteria [...]

19 12, 2012

Travelife Sustainability System Achieves ‘Recognized’ Global Sustainable Tourism Council Status for its Hotels and Accommodations Standard

2020-01-29T11:46:32+08:00December 19th, 2012|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) recently announced that the Travelife Sustainability System for Hotels and Accommodations has achieved ‘recognized’ certification status. The awarded status benchmarks its commitment to promote sustainable tourism products and services recognized by the GSTC. Travelife has committed to using the GSTC Criteria – the first and only global framework for [...]

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