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GSTC in the media

Home/News/GSTC in the media
8 01, 2017

Where Sustainable Travel Is Headed in 2017 – New York Time

2020-09-02T17:32:22+08:00January 8th, 2017|

The Mainstreaming of Sustainability Travel experts say that sustainable travel is still a niche movement. “Some travel companies try to be sustainable, while others ignore the idea, and from the traveler side, demand and awareness is soft,” said Randy Durband, the chief executive of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), a nonprofit accreditation group for [...]

22 04, 2016

How to Travel the Earth And Protect It, Too (New York Times)

2020-09-02T17:32:02+08:00April 22nd, 2016|

Where to Stay and Eat Figuring out where to stay and where to dine can be baffling. A blizzard of organizations provide green stamps of approval to hotels, making it hard to sort greenwashing from reality. James Sano, of the World Wildlife Fund, suggests hotels that follow criteria laid out by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). One example: [...]

13 02, 2015

GSTC Makes Headlines in Travel & Tour World Magazine

2020-09-01T12:57:02+08:00February 13th, 2015|

The GSTC’s Chair of the Board, Luigi Cabrini, is featured in the February edition of the Travel & Tour World online magazine.  The Travel & Tour World magazine is a B2B travel magazine with online global readership of over 2 million.   The article entitled “GSTC Making Advances in Tourism Sustainability” focuses on the history, [...]

29 12, 2014

NY Times: The Industry Can Set and Follow Sustainable Tourism Standards

2020-09-02T13:48:25+08:00December 29th, 2014|

"The diverse players of the travel and tourism industry have shown very mixed efforts in trying to “do the right things” for the environment and people, and have had very mixed results.

 That’s why effective use of universal standards for sustainability is essential. Some of the most prominent guidelines are for global hotel operations, [...]

11 04, 2013

Interview with National Geographic Traveler’s Jonathan Tourtellot

2021-09-28T12:58:57+08:00April 11th, 2013|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council is only as strong as its stakeholders and members. An early participant in the GSTC, Jonathan Tourtellot has worked with the GSTC on sustainable destinations, serves on the Destinations Working Group and has worked on the criteria what makes a destination sustainable, which include not [...]

26 05, 2011

TravelMole Interview with GSTC Executive Director Erika Harms

2021-12-15T00:07:23+08:00May 26th, 2011|

Last week at the World Travel & Tourism Council's Global Summit held in Las Vegas, Nevada, GSTC Executive Director Erika Harms spent some time chatting with TravelMole TV's Charles Kao.Erika discusses a number of issues about GSTC's future education outreach to providers and consumers, the growing demand for sustainable tourism, new partnerships with Amadeus and [...]

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