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GSTC in the media

Home/News/GSTC in the media
29 10, 2018

Loved to death: tipping point to prevent popular destinations in Southeast Asia from being ruined (Bangkok Post)

2020-05-31T19:23:19+08:00October 29th, 2018|

"With tourism arrivals tripling over the past two decades, the region has reached a tipping point in terms of its ability to prevent popular destinations from being ruined But wherever tourism is developed, it is critical to preserve both natural resources and local culture, says Mr Randy Durband, GSTC CEO." Read the full article: Loved [...]

9 10, 2018

Audubon: How Ecotourists Can Avoid Getting Greenwashed

2019-04-09T07:30:35+08:00October 9th, 2018|

"Look for seals of approval from Global Sustainable Tourism Council, The Long Run, and Rainforest Alliance; all of these groups factor energy and water use, as well as sustainability and improving the livelihoods of local people. " Randy Durband, CEO of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, emphasizes the importance of choosing accredited accommodations and operators. “Certification equals [...]

28 09, 2018

The Telegraph Article About Bhutan, with GSTC CEO, Randy Durband, Quoted

2019-04-09T07:30:35+08:00September 28th, 2018|

"Today, tourism is second only to hydropower in terms of revenue. Happily, the demand for guides and drivers creates employment and provides income opportunities via the sale of handicrafts, etc. Moreover, US$65 of the US$250 fee goes to the government who in reinvest it into free education and healthcare for citizens. But some are [...]

10 09, 2018

Thailand Minister of Tourism & Sports: “it is more crucial to focus on the GSTC index for further development”

2019-08-06T22:17:24+08:00September 10th, 2018|

Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat, Thailand Minister of Tourism & Sport, and Mr. Randy Durband, GSTC CEO In a recent article in The Nation, Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat, Thailand Minister of Tourism & Sports, said: “We seem to agree that the head counts of foreign tourists or their expenditure are not the top priority. So, targets like 36 [...]

10 08, 2018

TUI Says Sustainability Certified Hotels Result in Better Client Experience (Travel Weekly)

2020-05-31T19:23:13+08:00August 10th, 2018|

"Hotel sustainability certification is driving savings and increasing customer satisfaction levels, according to Tui research. But it is a challenge 'to get the message to customers' and awareness is hampered by the inaction of leading online travel agents (OTAs) that fail to identify certified hotels." "Certified hotels also recorded higher customer-satisfaction scores. The hotels [...]

10 08, 2018

Lonely Planet: How to choose a responsible travel operator

2019-04-09T10:13:30+08:00August 10th, 2018|

"Planning a responsible trip, however, requires a lot of research – and it remains especially difficult to find information on responsible tourism in remote destinations and developing countries. So why not recruit an operator to do the legwork?" "Sustainable tourism certification is also increasing. For the past two years, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) [...]

30 07, 2018

Bringing Sustainable Tourism to the Masses: Impact Travel Alliance’s New Thought-leadership Study

2019-04-09T10:13:31+08:00July 30th, 2018|

Impact Travel Alliance freshly published thought-leadership study, 'Bringing Sustainable Tourism to the Masses,” contains optimistic news and a strong framework to accomplish the much-needed work ahead to integrate sustainability into all types of travel. Released at Impact Travel Immersion, the study was written in partnership with Mandala Research and Community by Design. “We are on the cusp of seeing [...]

27 07, 2018

Five Years In: The One Planet Network 2012-2017 (Mid-term Magazine)

2019-04-09T10:13:31+08:00July 27th, 2018|

The Five Years In: The One Planet Network 2012-2017 (Mid-term Magazine) presents key outputs and outcomes of the One Planet Network at mid-term (2012-2017), based on the 10YFP Indicators of Success framework and online reporting process, identifying opportunities and challenges to be addressed in the years ahead. This report is one of three elements of the [...]

15 06, 2018
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8.3 million TUI customers stayed in sustainable hotels certified to a GSTC-Recognized standard (80% of the hotels owned by TUI Group)

2020-09-01T13:50:57+08:00June 15th, 2018|

8.3 million TUI customers stayed in sustainable hotels certified to a GSTC-Recognized standard (80% of the hotels owned by TUI Group) TUI Group's ambition is to increase the number of hotels with sustainability certifications to accommodate 10 million customers a year by 2020. TUI Group encourages their hotels to become certified to GSTC-Recognized Standards, with [...]

7 06, 2018

Publication on ‘Tourism for Development’ Has been Released

2021-02-02T00:28:11+08:00June 7th, 2018|

The UNTWO Publication on "Tourism for Development" has been released At last, the UNWTO flagship publication on ‘Tourism for Development" has been released. This publication, as a key outcome of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 (IY2017), addresses the changes needed in policies, business practices, and consumer behavior for tourism to [...]

20 05, 2018

Transat promotes sustainable hotels with “certifications that meet the Global Sustainable Tourism Council requirements”

2019-04-10T15:07:38+08:00May 20th, 2018|

Transat promotes sustainable hotels with "certifications that meet the Global Sustainable Tourism Council requirements" "At destinations, many hotels are making significant efforts to protect the environment and provide you with a more responsible product. Their level of commitment is conferment by hotel certifications that meet the Global Sustainable Tourism Council requirements." A new video by [...]

20 05, 2018

Transat debuts new videos that highlight importance of sustainable tourism

2019-04-10T15:07:39+08:00May 20th, 2018|

Transat debuts new videos that highlight importance of sustainable tourism GSTC Member Transat A.T. is continuing its efforts in promoting sustainable travel by producing two new videos that highlight eco-friendly measures done by both Transat and hoteliers. “Marketing tourism products that consider the environment and local populations is one way that Transat promotes fair trade and [...]

19 04, 2018 Sustainable Travel Report: majority of global travelers stating that they want to travel sustainably

2020-05-31T18:01:24+08:00April 19th, 2018| Sustainable Travel Report: majority of global travelers stating that they want to travel sustainably Green travel trend continues to gain momentum, according to the global Sustainable Travel Report by, with a large majority of global travelers (87%) stating that they want to travel sustainably, and nearly four in 10 (39%) confirming that they often [...]

28 02, 2018

The Guardian Recommends GSTC to Travelers

2019-04-10T15:16:54+08:00February 28th, 2018|

"Think carefully about where to stay. Look for leading eco certification badges, such as the non-profit Global Sustainable Tourism Council. Denmark’s Green Key program now operates in 56 countries (France has the most awarded sites), while Los Angeles-based Green Globe measures businesses in 90 countries against 44 criteria. Beware TripAdvisor’s GreenLeaders program, though; it’s a self-reporting system that gives hotels [...]

28 09, 2017

Sustainable Travel Can Be Budget-Friendly

2020-09-02T13:47:53+08:00September 28th, 2017|

But sustainable tourism doesn’t have to be expensive. Not only that, “it should actually be cheaper,” said Kelly Bricker, vice-chair of the board of directors of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, or G.S.T.C. “There should be cost savings for doing the right thing. If you’re sourcing locally, reinvesting back into the community, it should be [...]

25 09, 2017

GSTC Attracts Global Participation to Address Sustainable Destinations

2020-09-01T12:57:01+08:00September 25th, 2017|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council - GSTC just completed its annual meeting in Aysen, Patagonia, Chile. The conference included 250 participants from 30 countries from North America, the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia. The conference was a huge success. Roi Ariel, GSTC General Manager stated: “The interest and thirst for knowledge of sustainable [...]

30 05, 2017

Greening Your Summer Vacation – GSTC in the New York Time

2020-09-02T13:46:24+08:00May 30th, 2017|

The New York Times: "To evaluate a certification program, check to see if it has been reviewed by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council - GSTC, an independent nonprofit that has established standards for sustainability in travel." Read the full article: Greening Your Summer Vacation by Elaine Glusac, The Getaway, New York Times (published: 29 May 2017). [...]

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