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GSTC in the media

Home/News/GSTC in the media
10 07, 2022

Ocean Panel: Expert Perspective by Caroline Tippett, WWF

2022-07-14T02:19:17+08:00July 10th, 2022|

Vision setting: A sustainable coastal and marine tourism sector in 2030 and 2050 What is sustainable coastal and marine tourism in 2030 and 2050? What are three key shifts needed by 2025 to achieve this ambitious vision? Expert Perspective by Caroline Tippett, Vice President of Ocean Markets and Finance, World Wildlife Fund, published on [...]

23 04, 2022

WTTC Launches Hotel Sustainability Basics

2022-04-29T01:53:00+08:00April 23rd, 2022|

WTTC launches major hotel sustainability initiative at its Global Summit in Manila The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) launched its ‘Hotel Sustainability Basics’, a coordinated set of basic actions that hotels should implement as a minimum at the beginning of their sustainability journey. The initiative was launched at WTTC's Global Summit in Manila in [...]

20 01, 2022

Interview de Monsieur Ignacio de las Cuevas, Formateur GSTC

2022-01-20T13:28:15+08:00January 20th, 2022|

Une interview avec Ignacio de la Cueves, formateur GSTC, aborde les critères GSTC et leurs objectifs. Qu’est -ce que les critères GSTC et quels sont leurs objectifs ? Les critères GSTC servent de normes mondiales pour la durabilité dans les voyages et le tourisme. Les Critères sont utilisés pour la formation et la sensibilisation, [...]

21 12, 2021

What Makes an Eco-Resort Truly Sustainable?

2021-12-21T12:02:13+08:00December 21st, 2021|

What Makes an Eco-Resort Truly Sustainable? This article by Elana Spivack was published on Popular Science. Eco-resorts are generally committed to a carbon-zero existence and preserving their surrounding environment. The word “resort” connotes luxury, and many claim to provide luxury sustainably. These locales have been cropping up in recent years as environmental consciousness becomes [...]

28 09, 2021

Sustainability Standards: A tool for tourism recovery (OECD)

2021-11-08T07:54:28+08:00September 28th, 2021|

This article by GSTC Chairman Luigi Cabrini and GSTC CEO Randy Durband was published on OECD Forum. Can global sustainability standards be key to a green recovery? In 2019, tourism accounted for 10% of the global GDP and 1 of every 11 jobs worldwide, with a record 1.5 billion international tourists. But in 2020 [...]

20 05, 2021

HotelExecutive: 6 Ways to Make a Hotel Sustainable

2021-05-25T16:50:12+08:00May 20th, 2021|

Following global trends, hoteliers are now moving faster towards more sustainable practices. However, sustainability is a broad topic and taking the first steps might be daunting. To make it easier, Randy Durband, CEO of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), shares 6 ways that are crucial in making hotels sustainable: Market Demand for Eco-Friendly - [...]

22 04, 2021

How to Travel More Sustainably – NYT Article

2021-04-22T18:38:05+08:00April 22nd, 2021|

New York Times: How to Travel More Sustainably Don’t skimp on doing your own research, and be aware that ‘green’ certificates aren’t always all they’re cracked up to be. Looking for a hotel or tour operator that has earned a sustainability label might seem like a good place to start, but the reality isn’t so [...]

12 03, 2021

GSTC on Treehugger

2021-04-15T16:38:55+08:00March 12th, 2021|

Treehugger: What Is Sustainable Tourism and Why Is It Important? As people begin to pay more attention to sustainability and the direct and indirect effects of their actions, travel destinations and organizations are following suit. What Makes Tourism Sustainable? The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of [...]

27 09, 2020

Why local communities are important to the future of Japan’s ailing tourism industry (The Japan Times)

2020-09-30T09:06:22+08:00September 27th, 2020|

The pandemic has accelerated these trends. Prior to 2020, the government had already poured trillions of yen into promoting lesser-visited parts of Japan as tourist destinations. Although sustainability rarely factored into official tourism strategy within Japan, the effects of the climate crisis and overtourism appear to have finally made some impact. Government white papers [...]

27 09, 2020

COVID-19 put a halt to over-tourism. Can we plan a sustainable reset? (The Globe and Mail)

2020-09-27T11:45:10+08:00September 27th, 2020|

Because so many organizations and destinations are coming at this from different starting points, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council - GSTC has established a baseline standard for more responsible tourism practices, offering criteria that help consumers find reputable destinations and companies. It also helps both government and private-sector organizations develop sustainable tourism requirements for destinations, [...]

30 04, 2020

New Calm Created by Coronavirus Offers Southeast Asia Chance to Redo Sustainable Tourism (Skift)

2020-05-31T17:31:46+08:00April 30th, 2020|

“The coronavirus crisis definitely gives Southeast Asia a chance, but will governments and businesses take it?” GSTC General Manager Roi Ariel questioned. But Ariel is seeing a glimmer of hope among destination marketing organizations, which, unlike the private sector, are less threatened by dwindling cashflow amid the coronavirus crunch and are more likely able to [...]

29 04, 2020

7 Ways Travel MUST Change After Coronavirus (Fodor’s Travel)

2020-05-31T17:32:37+08:00April 29th, 2020|

A big part of resetting the tourism industry, says Randy Durband, CEO of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, is the improvement of public policy and destination management, beginning with the capacity of governments to guide tourism development. “There needs to be a dramatic shift from spending mostly or entirely on promotion to significant spending [...]

23 04, 2020

How Travel Has Evolved in the 50 Years Since the First Earth Day (Condé Nast)

2020-05-31T17:31:22+08:00April 23rd, 2020|

"Going green has become a point of industry pride. Hotels not only covet Global Sustainable Tourism Council and LEED certifications; they’re also establishing important sustainable initiatives themselves. Sustainability as an ideal is almost fully mainstream these days; even Prince Harry launched his own sustainable travel initiative, Travalyst, at the end of 2019." Read the full [...]

27 03, 2020

Corona-crisis: A Destination Management Opportunity

2020-03-27T18:22:19+08:00March 27th, 2020|

"Start Your Destination’s Tourism Recovery Plan. Don’t wait." "Wise planning requires enlightened, collaborative destination stewardship. Now would be a time for each destination to convene – remotely, if not yet in person – a broad-based council to do that. Destinations should use the GSTC Destination Criterion A1 as a basic minimum." That criterion states in [...]

13 03, 2020

What Is the Real Definition of Sustainable Travel, Anyway? (TravelAge West)

2020-05-31T17:31:27+08:00March 13th, 2020|

"Fortunately, it’s not a new term, and there’s real criteria associated with being considered a sustainable travel outfit. Since 2008, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) has been updating criteria that aim to “serve as the global baseline standards for sustainability in travel and tourism.” " "I encourage everyone to visit to review [...]

10 03, 2020

Greening Your Travels – AAA Recommends the GSTC Framework

2020-04-07T13:47:54+08:00March 10th, 2020|

Greening Your Travels: Sustainable Tourism Strategies to Help you Travel More Responsibly 1. SELECT YOUR DESTINATION THOUGHTFULLY A growing number of destinations are working to encourage sustainable and responsible tourism. Among those leading the way is the Central European country of Slovenia. A whopping 31 of its cities and regions are among the 2019 [...]

21 02, 2020

Outside Magazine: Is Your ‘Eco-Lodge’ Really Eco-Friendly?

2020-02-24T16:16:28+08:00February 21st, 2020|

According to a 2019 report by, 70 percent of global travelers would be more inclined to book eco-friendly accommodation. The industry seems to have taken the hint: eco-lodges and “green” hotels are trending. But these days, it can be difficult to discern between environmentally friendly digs and those just trying to profit from the craze. So [...]

14 02, 2020

World Economic Forum: 6 ways travelling professionals can cut their carbon footprint

2020-02-24T15:35:05+08:00February 14th, 2020|

Here are six ways we recommend you get started, in order from the easiest to implement to the most environmentally impactful: (1) Travel with trust: When looking for a place to stay, look for accommodations that utilize various sustainability standards. [...] Use the Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s list of trusted standards used in different countries as [...]

10 02, 2020

Transforming tourism through sustainable procurement – How TUI Group uses the GSTC Criteria

2020-02-26T17:53:27+08:00February 10th, 2020|

This publication aims to introduce the strategic role that sustainable procurement can play to transform tourism by scaling up the market of sustainable products and services in the sector, enabling the reduction of GHG emissions and the shift towards a more resilient, resource-efficient development. It has been developed as part of the United Nations Environment [...]

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