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Criteria Translations

Home/News/Criteria Translations
20 04, 2020

GSTC Destination Criteria v2 – Now Available in Turkish

2020-04-20T18:27:39+08:00April 20th, 2020|

The GSTC Destination Criteria v2.0 has been translated into Turkish and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. GSTC Destinasyon Kriterleri v2.0, Türkçe'ye çevrilmiştir ve Kriterlerin Tercümeleri bölümünden indirilebilir.

3 04, 2020

GSTC Destination Criteria v2 – Now Available in Italian

2020-04-04T10:22:15+08:00April 3rd, 2020|

The GSTC Destination Criteria v2.0 has been translated into Italian and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. I Criteri per le destinazioni del GSTC Versione 2.0 sono stati tradotti in italiano e sono disponibili per il download nella Sezione Criteria Translations.

18 03, 2020

GSTC Destination Criteria v2 – Now Available in Spanish

2020-03-19T11:10:07+08:00March 18th, 2020|

The GSTC Destination Criteria v2 has been translated into Spanish and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Los Criterios GSTC para Destinos Versión 2.0 se han traducido al Español y están disponibles para descargar en la sección Criteria Translations.

6 03, 2020

GSTC Destination v2 Criteria – Now Available in French

2020-03-06T13:03:56+08:00March 6th, 2020|

The GSTC Destination v2 Criteria has been translated into French and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Les Critères pour les destinations v2 du GSTC sont traduits en français et peuvent être téléchargés dans la section traductions des critères.

3 03, 2020

GSTC Destination Criteria v2 – Now Available in Portuguese (Portugal)

2020-04-07T16:08:12+08:00March 3rd, 2020|

The GSTC Destination Criteria v2 has been translated into Portuguese (Portugal/Africa) and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Os Critérios GSTC para a Destinos estão já traduzidos para português (Portugal/Africa) e disponíveis para descarga na secção Criteria Translations.

25 02, 2020

GSTC Destination Criteria v2 – Now Available in Chinese (Mandarin)

2020-03-13T00:18:01+08:00February 25th, 2020|

The GSTC Destination Criteria v2 has been translated into both traditional and simplified Chinese (Mandarin) and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. 全球可持续旅游委员会目的地标准2.0版本已被翻译成传统和簡体中文(普通话),可在标准翻译頁面下载。 全球永續旅遊委員會目的地準則2.0版本已被翻譯成傳統和繁體中文(國語),可在準則翻譯頁面下載。

18 02, 2020

GSTC Destination Criteria v2 – Now Available in Greek

2022-08-27T10:43:46+08:00February 18th, 2020|

The GSTC Destination Criteria v2 has been translated into Greek and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Τα Κριτήρια Προορισμών του GSTC v2 έχουν μεταφραστεί στα Ελληνικά και είναι διαθέσιμα για λήψη στο τμήμα “ Μεταφράσεις Κριτηρίων”.

1 10, 2019

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in Portuguese (Portugal)

2019-11-01T13:04:59+08:00October 1st, 2019|

The GSTC Industry Criteria has been translated into Portuguese (Portugal) and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Os Critérios GSTC para a Indústria estão já traduzidos para português (Portugal) e disponíveis para descarga na secção Criteria Translations. O Congresso Anual do GSTC (GSTC2019), tem lugar de 4 a 7 de dezembro [...]

28 05, 2019

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in Swedish

2021-03-19T13:29:08+08:00May 28th, 2019|

The GSTC Destination Criteria has been translated into Swedish and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. GSTCs Destinationskriterier har översatts till svenska och finns att ladda ner i avdelningen för kriterieöversättningar.

15 05, 2019

GSTC Destiniation Criteria – Now Available in Swedish

2021-03-19T13:29:18+08:00May 15th, 2019|

The GSTC Destination Criteria has been translated into Swedish and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. GSTCs Branschkriterier har översatts till svenska och finns att ladda ner i avdelningen för kriterieöversättningar.

16 08, 2018

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in Spanish

2018-08-21T09:14:47+08:00August 16th, 2018|

The GSTC Industry Criteria has been translated into Spanish and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Los Criterios GSTC para la Industria Turística se han traducido al Español y están disponibles para descargar en la sección Criteria Translations.

26 07, 2018

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in Vietnamese

2021-01-19T10:00:22+08:00July 26th, 2018|

The GSTC Industry Criteria has been translated into Vietnamese and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Tiêu chuẩn Điểm đến Du lịch GSTC đã được dịch sang tiếng Việt và có thể tải về từ mục Criteria Translations.

26 07, 2018

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in French

2018-07-26T15:19:49+08:00July 26th, 2018|

The GSTC Industry Criteria has been translated into French and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Les Critères Industriels du GSTC sont traduits en français et peuvent être téléchargés dans la section traductions des critères.

26 07, 2018

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in German

2018-07-26T15:19:30+08:00July 26th, 2018|

The GSTC Industry Criteria has been translated into German and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Die GSTC Industry Criteria wurde ins Deutsche übersetzt und kann im Bereich Criteria Translations heruntergeladen werden.

7 03, 2018

GSTC Destiniation Criteria – Now Available in Italian

2018-03-08T09:07:27+08:00March 7th, 2018|

The GSTC Destination Criteria has been translated into Italian and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. I Criteri di destinazione GSTC sono stati tradotti in italiano e sono disponibili per il download nella sezione traduzione dei Criteri

5 02, 2018

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in Portuguese

2018-02-05T09:48:42+08:00February 5th, 2018|

The GSTC Industry Criteria has been translated into Portuguese and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. O GSTC Industry Criteria foi traduzido para o português e está disponível para download na seção "Critérios de tradução".

3 11, 2017

GSTC Destination Criteria – Now Available in Ukrainian

2018-08-19T19:28:25+08:00November 3rd, 2017|

The GSTC Destination Criteria has been translated to Ukrainian and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Критерії Глобальної ради зі сталого розвитку туризму перекладений українською мовою та доступний для завантаження в розділі "Переклади критеріїв".

20 06, 2017

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in Greek

2022-08-27T10:43:47+08:00June 20th, 2017|

The GSTC Industry Criteria has been translated into Greek and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. Τα Κριτήρια Βιομηχανίας GSTC έχουν μεταφραστεί στα ελληνικά και είναι διαθέσιμα για λήψη στο τμήμα "Κριτήρια Μεταφράσεις".

5 06, 2017

GSTC Criteria – Now Available in Korean

2017-12-14T19:57:18+08:00June 5th, 2017|

The GSTC Industry Criteria and the GSTC Destination Criteria have been translated to Korean and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. GSTC Industry Criteria와 GSTC Destination Criteria는 한국어로 번역되었으며 Criteria Translations 섹션에서 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.

5 05, 2017

GSTC Industry Criteria – Now Available in Persian

2018-08-19T19:27:46+08:00May 5th, 2017|

The GSTC Industry Criteria has been translated into Persian and is available to download in the Criteria Translations section. معیارهای صنعت GSTC به زبان فارسی ترجمه شده است و در بخش ترجمه معیارها قابل دانلود است.

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