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10 08, 2022

To Market Stewardship, Use Local Voices

2022-08-10T06:12:22+08:00August 10th, 2022|

Destination Stewardship Report – Summer 2022 (Volume 3, Issue 1) This post is from the Destination Stewardship Report (Summer 2022, Volume 3, Issue 1), an e-quarterly publication that provides practical information and insights useful to anyone whose work or interests involve improving destination stewardship in a post-pandemic world. To Market Stewardship, Use Local Voices [...]

22 04, 2021

Sedona Joins GSTC

2021-04-22T17:33:54+08:00April 22nd, 2021|

Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau (SCC&TB) has joined as a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau (SCC&TB) is a non-profit organization that is made up of businesses and organizations that wish to directly benefit from the products and services available to partners. [...]

16 04, 2021

Doing It Better: Sedona, Arizona

2021-08-08T02:00:29+08:00April 16th, 2021|

Destination Stewardship Report – Spring 2021 (Volume 1, Issue 4) This post is from the Destination Stewardship Report (Spring 2021, Volume 1, Issue 4), an e-quarterly publication that provides practical information and insights useful to anyone whose work or interests involve improving destination stewardship in a post-pandemic world. Prompted by a restive citizenry and [...]

28 01, 2017

Sedona, Arizona Destination Assessment Report

2020-10-07T22:40:01+08:00January 28th, 2017|

Overview of the Destination Sedona, Arizona Views overlooking Sedona Sedona is located in Arizona’s high desert under the southwestern rim of the Colorado Plateau. It’s strategically situated at the mouth of Oak Creek Canyon. Characterized by massive red-rocks, Sedona is comparable to some national parks.  The City of Sedona was incorporated in [...]

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