The Global Sustainable Tourism Council is reaching out to you! Are you ready?

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Sustainable Tourism, as you may know, is not a niche, nor simply segment of the Travel and Tourism Industry. Simply said, it is the future of our Industry. If Tourism does not become fully sustainable, as a whole and in all its sectors and segments, in a not too distant future there won’t be much left to talk about.

Sustainable Tourism is not just for the “converted”, nor just for a small group of intellectuals to discuss highly complex issues. It is not only for Corporate Responsibility, or Responsible Tourism, or Sustainability experts: it must permeate in all corporate cultures, since it involves the sheer future of our Industry.

In very simple words: Sustainable Tourism means respect for the Environment, and at the same time respect and valorization of the Social, Cultural and Economic conditions of the populations that are affected by ever increasing fluxes of mass tourism from all parts of our Globe.

There are lots of different definitions for Sustainable Tourism out there, there are also a lot of Organizations globally that refer to it in all its different definitions. But we all believe in the same simple values described above and actionable criteria to demonstrate its meaning, and we all put a lot of passion and enthusiasm in fostering these values.

Sustainable Tourism does not mean “Green Only.” We strongly believe humans and the social context in which we live are integrated into sustainability,   and not just a simple addendum, or something created to add confusing concepts to something very simple to understand. The impact of Tourism on Humans is immense, and it can be highly positive or negative.

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) in particular has in its ranks at all levels the most formidable Think Tank on Sustainable Tourism that any Non-Profit or Non-Governmental Organization can offer to the Industry in our days, on a global level. All volunteers, all ready to help your Sustainability efforts!

Our Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria are recognized and endorsed by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which are Permanent Members of the Board of Directors of the GSTC. We have these Criteria in place since 2008 for Hotels and Tour Operators, and we will release Criteria and Indicators for Tourism Destinations by the end of this year.

But we aim higher: we would like to deliver Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria for all Sectors of the Travel and Tourism Industry. If you are interested in sponsoring financially this effort for your specific sector, please get in touch with me: [email protected]. We also provide a full process of Certification for Certification Bodies, based on our Criteria, and plan to expand its reach to all Sectors of our Industry.

Regarding Destinations, if you represent a Tourism Board, a Convention and Visitors Bureau or a Destination Marketing Organization, please get in touch now. You may want to participate in our Early Adopters Program, with plenty of special benefits for you, until September of this year. Or you may want to be a GSTC certified Destination, in which case our Recognized Certification Bodies will be ready from 2014.

We are also in the process of negotiating and signing partnership agreements with all Trade Associations worldwide. There is no financial burden whatsoever for you: you may show to your Members that you care about Sustainability, and we in exchange gain exposure for our mission, which is fostering Sustainable Tourism. It’s a win-win proposition: please get in touch!

We are fully engaged in a large scale effort for education and training organizations worldwide (Universities, High Schools, Technical schools, etc.) to be at their side in delivering GSTC Recognized courses on Sustainable Tourism. We are also preparing a fully structured system of Courses for trainers and professionals on a global level. If you are interested, please get in touch.

If you are not interested in any of the above, but still want to show that you care, please become a GSTC Member at Your support will be highly appreciated, and we will offer in exchange a set of benefits that we hope will be of value to you. If at all possible, please volunteer as well: we need your help!

This is the “NEW GSTC”: a vibrant, forward looking, extremely active and enthusiastic Global Organization, prepared to play a positive role for the Travel and Tourism Industry and all its Stakeholders! Thank you.

Mauro Marrocu


Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)