Criteria Development, Feedback & Revisions

Criteria Development

The GSTC MICE Criteria development

The GSTC Attraction Criteria development

We call for Attraction stakeholders to join the first public consultation, starting from 15 January to 15 March, 2024. Please give us your feedback from here.

Criteria Revision History

The GSTC Industry Criteria were revised in 2016. In 2021, a review of the need for revision was conducted, which concluded that the revision was not necessary. In July 2024, the first revision begun and is currently open.

The GSTC Destination Criteria were revised in December 2019, published in January 2020.

Criteria Development and Revision:

The process is intended to comply with the ISEAL Alliance standard-setting code, the key aspects of the process are:

  1. Resourced by the GSTC Secretariat, guided by the International Standards Working Group (GSTC-ISWG) and informed by relevant GSTC Working Groups.
  2. Two rounds of consultation, an initial call for input, then a second round to commenting on draft criteria.
  3. The GSTC-ISWG considers comments before adopting criteria, based on consensus across the balance of interested parties.
  4. The revisions are formally adopted by the GSTC Board of Directors, then publicly released.

To participate in future Criteria revisions and development please sign up here.

To provide feedback on current Criteria please email [email protected].

Impact of Revisions on GSTC-Recognized Standards and Certification Bodies

Per the terms of the Recognition, as stated in the Manuals for Recognitions the marks, following the revision of GSTC Criteria, holders of GSTC-Recognized Standards have two years from the dates of release of the revisions to make any necessary revisions to their standards in order to remain compliant with the GSTC mark. Questions may be addressed to [email protected]

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