The Center for Responsible Travel (CREST) released a new tourism industry study; The Case for Responsible Travel: Trends & Statistics 2019.

The Trends & Statistics 2019, updates CREST’s previous industry studies, released every year since 2013. This year’s report was prepared in collaboration with more than 30 leading organizations and institutions. These institutions include the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), and the Word Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Highlights of the 2019 Report

The report highlights growing consumer demands for sustainable travel experiences. It also analyzes the role businesses and destinations play in mainstreaming responsible tourism. However, the report contends that while demand for responsible tourism is growing, the industry itself still has responsibility to continue to raise awareness and educate travelers about sustainability. In other terms, to increase the supply of credible sustainable tourism.

Quotes from Executive Director of CREST, Gregory Miller

“With the growing threats of climate change, over-tourism and over development, there is no more time to waste,” said Gregory Miller, Executive Director of CREST. “As an industry, we must come together and act as we never have before to protect our planet and its people. CREST’s Trends & Statistics report provides powerful and concrete examples of how destinations, companies, and travelers are working to be part of the solution in these challenging times.”

Thoughts of CEO of GSTC, Randy Durband

« Eco-labeling in tourism is widespread in terms of hotel certification and somewhat less so for tour operators. However, both are poised to take off as travelers seek more clear choices for sustainable activities and businesses increasingly see the value of certification. Importantly, after 2+ years, GSTC has developed and refined an accreditation scheme that allows for meaningful eco-labeling. While this supports clarity on the supply side, we see positive change on the demand side as evidenced in a recent survey by The survey shows that 70% of global travelers say they would be more likely to book an accommodation knowing it was eco-friendly. » – Randy Durband, CEO, Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)