Organizational Membership

Become a GSTC Member Today

Organizational membership categories are available to Destinations and Organizations. To learn more, please visit our Destination & Organization Membership information page.


Total Amount
About Your Organization
Public email for your organization.
Public phone number for your organization. Include country code. For example: +66 for Thailand, +1 for USA
Only one URL. Include http:// or https:// in the beginning.

Main Contact Person

Each organization requires a main contact person, who will be able to login to the GSTC website, access the Member-only area, and renew or change membership details for the organization. Membership renewal reminders will be sent to this person.

Payment Options
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address
Membership Agreement

By submitting this GSTC membership application form, I confirm that:

1) I have read and agree with the GSTC Membership Policy, consent to my responsibilities as a member, and accept the code of behavior as stated in the Membership Policy.

2) The information given in this application is correct.