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About Janice

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So far Janice has created 8 blog entries.
11 11, 2011

The GSTC Process: A Balancing Act

2021-10-15T06:34:17+08:00November 11th, 2011|

Cathy Parsons - Chair, GSTC Accreditation Panel The Global Sustainable Tourism Council announced the launch of the GSTC Process this week. This announcement marks the culmination of over two years of work by dedicated volunteers, consultants and general practitioners of travel. The Process itself is accomplished in three stages. First, standard owners [...]

17 10, 2011

The Value of Standards

2011-10-17T15:20:41+08:00October 17th, 2011|

By Erika Harms, Executive Director - Global Sustainable Tourism Council As you can imagine, the value of standards is something that is part of my day-to-day thoughts. Last Thursday, heading to the office, I read an article written by Olivier Peyrat, Chair of the ISO Committee on conformity assessment, called “International Standards – How do [...]

27 09, 2011

Sabre Celebrates World Tourism Day with Global Sustainable Tourism Council

2021-12-18T08:00:16+08:00September 27th, 2011|

By Leilani Latimer,  Sabre Holdings and GSTC Board Member Leilani Latimer - Sabre Holdings, GSTC Board Member and Chair of the Market Access Working Group Today, September 27th, 2011, we are celebrating World Tourism Day. This day is dedicated to fostering awareness about the importance of tourism. More specifically looking at its [...]

9 09, 2011

Lend Your Voice To Shape The Future of Sustainable Tourism!

2021-10-15T08:54:10+08:00September 9th, 2011|

Amos Bien - Technical Director, GSTC By Amos Bien, GSTC Technical Director The Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (GSTC Criteria) were an enormous step forward when they were launched in 2008. They are a synthesis of more than 20 years' work, by hundreds of people and institutions from around the world in what [...]

10 07, 2011

GSTC Board Candidate: Steve Noakes

2011-07-10T00:50:25+08:00July 10th, 2011|

We still have a long way to go in the Asia Pacific region in relation to the understanding and take-up of sustainable approaches for the tourism industry. In many languages, there is no direct translation for the well-intentioned western word 'sustainable'. For the vast majority of Asia's massive populations, the idea of a tourism experience is just [...]

10 07, 2011

GSTC Board Candidate: Shannon Stowell

2011-07-10T00:50:02+08:00July 10th, 2011|

Adventure Travel Saves the World Anything or anyone claiming to save the world is appropriately met with eye-rolling and sighing- we've been there and done that.  We are the cynical people who have been sold a bill of goods our whole lives by Wall Street and Madison Avenue. With the recent forced-opening of kimonos, it [...]

8 07, 2011
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GSTC Holds 2nd Annual Membership Meeting (2011)

2020-05-15T11:25:09+08:00July 8th, 2011|

Hola! A warm thank you to everyone who was able to attend the 2nd Annual GSTC Membership Council meeting in Barcelona, Spain last week. We had an amazing turn out (close to 200 people registered for the event!). The most exciting part…we had 60 members join us! The week began with a two-day meeting of [...]

8 07, 2011

Sabre Looks for Green Entrepreneurs

2021-01-09T13:46:48+08:00July 8th, 2011|

Content Provided by Leilani Latimer - Sabre Holdings, GSTC Board Member and Chair of the Market Access Working Group As chair of the Market Access working group at the GSTC and head of sustainability for Sabre Holdings, I know that our members are looking for tools that allow businesses to innovate, increase customer loyalty and [...]

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