The workshop provided an overview of new global criteria for sustainable tourism, examples of how tourism is supporting the new Green economy and alleviating poverty in LDC nations, shared best practices, and examined Walt Disney Company as a case study in implementing sustainable tourism practices including the 12 blue community strategies.  View the invitation here

Who:  Randy Durband represented the GSTC, Dr. Kelly Bricker (GSTC Vice-Chair of the Board) and Dr. David Randle (GSTC Member) also spoke

What:  Workshop was provided and understanding of how sustainable tourism is providing leadership to address the issue of climate change,build a green economy, alleviate poverty, and implement sustainability practices in the industry.

When:  Wednesday, 27 August, 2014: 1 PM

Where:  777 U.N. Plaza, New York, NY

More Information:  Contact David Randle, [email protected]