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The Workshop on Ecotourism will be conducted at the Azalea Room, Novotel Ambassador Suwon, October 5th, 2016

Organized by Korean Ecotourism Society & Asian Ecotourism Network

Sponsored by Korean Ministry of Environment, Suwon City, Gyeonggi Tourism Organization

Workshop registration information:

  • No registration fee for participants of the Global Sustainable Tourism Conference
  • Only 50 places are available, first-come first-served basis, with priority given to people registered for the GSTC Conference
  • Simultaneous translation in English and Korean
  • If you plan to participate, please email to [email protected], providing your Name, position, and affiliation


13:00-13:10Opening remark:
Mr. Bongsuck Choi
(Secretary General, Korean Ecotourism Society)
Moderator: Dr. Mihee Kang
(Research Professor, Seoul National University)
Session ISharing Asian expereiencesModerator: Dr. Alan Wong
(Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
13:10-13:30Ecotourism: Global Trend and Role of AsiaMr. Masaru Takayama
(Chair, Asian Ecotourism Network AEN)
13:30-13:55Ecotourism’s Place in the Global Movement for More Sustainable Tourism
Mr. Randy Durband
(CEO, Global Sustainable Tourism Council)
13:55-14:20NGO’s role for community involvement and ecotourism business developmentMr. Ary Suhandi
(Chair, Indonesia Ecotourism Network)
14:20-14:40Ecotourism in Australia: Achievements and challenges
Ms. Rod Hillman
(CEO, Ecotourism Australia)
15:00-15:15Coffee Break
Let’s learn eco-dancing
Dr. Yongho Noh
(Upo Wetland Center, Changnyeong County)
Session IISharing Korean experiencesModerator: Dr. Jeungseub Shin
(President, Korea Institute for Ecology & Culture)
15:25-15:40Present and Future of Korean EcotourismMr. Seyoun Jo
(Advisor, Namhae Ecotourism Association / Board member, Korean Ecotourism Society)
15:40-16:05I am a local ecotourism planner
Mr. Sanghoon Oh
(Secretary General, Changnyeong Upo Wetland Ecotourism Association)
How to work together?
Mr. Inseok Hwang
(Secretary General, Ulsan Taehwa River Ecotourism Association)
Community-based ecotourism: Achievements and challenges
Ms. Yoonsook Moon
(Secretary General, Jeju Seonheul Ecotourism Association)
Session IIIOpen discussionModerator: Dr. Mihee Kang
(Research Professor, Seoul National University)

17:10-17:40Challenges and solutionsDiscussion
17:40-18:00Closing remark:
Masaru Takayama (Chair, AEN)

Group photo
Moderator: Dr. Mihee Kang
(Research Professor, Seoul National University)


MC Moderator3 Mihee Kang100x100
Dr. Mihee Kang,
Research Professor, Seoul National University
Alan Wong100x100
Dr. Alan Wong,
Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
masaru Takayama100x100
Masaru Takayama,
Chair, Asian Ecotourism Network AEN
Seyoun Jo 100x100
Mr. Seyoun Jo, Advisor, Namhae Ecotourism Association and Board member, Korean Ecotourism Society
Ary Suhandi100x100
Ary Suhandi,
Chair, Indonesia Ecotourism Network
Rod Hillman
, CEO, Ecotourism Australia

Dr. Yongho Noh,
Upo Wetland Center, Changnyeong County
Jeungseub Shin100x100
Jeungseub Shin,
President, Korea Institute for Ecology & Culture
Sanghoon Oh100x100
Sanghoon Oh,
Secretary General, Changnyeong Upo Wetland Ecotourism Association
Inseok Hwang100x100
Inseok Hwang,
Secretary General, Ulsan Taehwa River Ecotourism Association
Yoonsook Moon100x100
Yoonsook Moon, Secretary General, Jeju Seonheul Ecotourism Association


Korea Ecotourism Society x150

AEN logo x150