20 05, 2024

GSTC Japan Members Meeting concluded successfully

2024-05-20T17:14:54+08:005月 20th, 2024|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) held a workshop for its Japanese members in Tokyo on May 13th, 2024. The event, organized in collaboration with JTB Corp, took place at the JTB Tennozu Head Office Building. The workshop provided a platform for GSTC Japan Members to engage in interactive sessions, discussions, and presentations focusing [...]

15 12, 2023

GSTC x JTB ステークホルダーダイアログ「サステナブルな観光地経営支援について」

2023-12-15T16:50:25+08:0012月 15th, 2023|

~2022年度ALL JTB AWARD サステナビリティ推進賞受賞の取り組みから今後のさらなる可能性を探る~ GSTCのCEOランディ・ダーバンドが2023年9月に日本を訪れた際、JTB本社でステークホルダーダイアログが開催されました。民間部門が日本における持続可能な観光地経営にどのように貢献できるかについて議論され、会議には、JTBグループの代表取締役である山北栄二郎氏をはじめ、執行役員の方々等が参加されました。 2022年度のALL JTB AWARD サステナビリティ推進賞*を受賞の取り組みから今後のさらなる可能性を探る事を目的とし、地域の持続可能性を高めていくために優良事例をどのようにして各地域の観光戦略に適応させていく事ができるのか、という事について議論されました。 GSTC理事の髙﨑邦子氏(JTB コーポレートコミュニケーション・広報担当執行役員)が、会議の進行役を務め、賞を取得したJTB熊本支店の担当中村亮介氏の小国町の鍋ヶ滝での賞取得に至るまでの経緯についての話からスタートしました。   記事全文は、こちらから [*注:※ JTBグループの商品、サービス、事業、仕組み、および社内の組織活動等の取り組みを対象とし 、サステナビリティへの貢献度、事業成長へのインパクト、KPIの明確さと達成度合いを総合的に勘案して授与される賞。]

21 11, 2023

Japanese GSTC Training by JTB in September 2023, concluded successfully

2023-11-21T17:40:48+08:0011月 21st, 2023|

The JTB-sponsored Japanese GSTC Training for its employees concluded successfully at the JTB headquarters in Tokyo from September 26-28, 2023. The course was led by Dr. Mihee Kang, GSTC Assurance Director along with the co-trainers Dr. Mami Futagami, Emeritus Professor at Meijo University, and Koji Miwa, Policy Researcher at Institute for Global Environmental Strategies [...]

31 10, 2023

JTB Sustainability Report (2022)

2023-10-31T22:17:48+08:0010月 31st, 2023|

JTB Corp, is the largest travel agency in Japan and one of the largest travel agencies in the world. Its commitment remains steadfast in viewing their mission holistically, not only from the perspective of the customers, but also from the standpoint of the residents, businesses, and stakeholders in every community they serve. The company [...]

29 09, 2023

GSTC Workshop and Training in Japan Successfully Completed

2023-09-29T00:47:18+08:009月 29th, 2023|

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) recently held a significant workshop and training classes in Tokyo, Japan, from the 27th to the 28th of September 2023, in collaboration with JTB Corp. The GSTC Workshop sponsored by JTB was held the 27th of September at the JTB Corp office in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo. With over 40 participants [...]

11 03, 2022

JTB Signs MOU with GSTC

2022-03-11T10:31:05+08:003月 11th, 2022|

JTB Signs MOU with GSTC and Announces Sustainable Tourism Strategy on its 110th Anniversary In collaboration with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), JTB announces sustainable tourism strategy on its 110th anniversary. March 11, 2022 - On the occasion of its 110th anniversary, JTB Corp., one of the travel and tourism industry leaders, signed [...]

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