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So far Jisun Kim has created 30 blog entries.
19 05, 2023

GSTC Sustainable Tourism Course for Industry Professionals, July 3-4, 2023, Sponsored by Agoda

2023-06-27T17:33:26+08:005月 19th, 2023|

Schedule | Testimonials | Certificate | Trainers | Registration Sustainable Tourism Course for Industry Professionals Agoda is partnering with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) to support hotels develop sustainable tourism practices. Agoda supports its hotel partners to gain in-depth and applicable knowledge of the GSTC Criteria. This is the [...]

5 05, 2023

GSTC Auditor Training in Istanbul (August 5-7, 2023)

2023-08-10T14:22:15+08:005月 5th, 2023|

GSTC Auditor Training Dates: August 5-7, 2023 (3-day training) Venue: Limak Eurasia Kavacık İstanbul Language: English (Consecutive translation in Turkish) Scope: GSTC Hotel Criteria and GSTC Tour Operator Criteria GSTC Auditor Training involves training class and two tests. In the GSTC Auditor Training Class, the GSTC Industry Criteria will be explained with the process [...]

19 04, 2023

GSTC プレ研修コース(初心者向け)

2023-06-16T10:53:37+08:004月 19th, 2023|

GSTC プレ研修コース(初心者向け) 初心者向けのGSTCプレ研修コースは、旅行や観光における持続可能性に関するグローバル基準を学びたい組織や個人のニーズを満たすために設計されました。本研修コースは、自分のペースで進める事のできるオンラインでの自己学習型コースになります。サステナブルツーリズムの概念、優良事例、市場動向などを学ぶことができます。 コース開始日:2023年5月16日 ~ コース受講期間:2週間 研修受講対象者 グローバルサステナブルツーリズムの全体像を知りたい方、サステナブルツーリズムの国際的なトレンド(動向)を知りたい方 観光分野の持続可能性に関わる仕事を始めたい方 GSTC基準の重要性について知りたい方 GSTC について聞いた事はあるけれども、よくわからないという方 多忙なスケジュールのため、柔軟で便利な学習手段が必要な方 研修コースの内容 サステナブルツーリズムの概念と重要性 GSTCの紹介と国際基準 観光業界の国際的なトレンド(動向) コース内での動画発表者: 登録費用: 個人での受講の場合: 1名 $190 (約 25,000円) 複数人で団体として受講する場合       団体料金(5名以上): 1名につき$170(約22,500JPY)       団体料金(11名以上): 1名につき$150(約20,000JPY) ※日本円JPYは目安です。 Register [...]

14 04, 2023

GSTC Accessible & Inclusive Travel Online Course (November 6-12, 2023)

2023-10-30T16:04:09+08:004月 14th, 2023|

1 week Accessible & Inclusive Travel Online Course by the GSTC Dates: November 6-12, 2023 Time: Live sessions at a time comfortable for those in American and Asian time zone Where: Online Language: English Live sessions scheduled for the following days, from 20:00 EST. Session 1: Tuesday, November 7th (20:00 – 22:00 EST) Session 2: Wednesday, [...]

5 04, 2023

GSTC Accessible & Inclusive Travel Online Course (July 3-9, 2023)

2023-06-29T16:58:32+08:004月 5th, 2023|

1 week Accessible & Inclusive Travel Online Course by the GSTC Dates: July 3-9, 2023 Time: Live sessions at a time suitable for those in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Africa time zone Where: Online Language: English Live sessions scheduled for the following days: Session 1: Tuesday, July 4rd (9:00-11:00 CEST / 15:00-17:00 SG) Session 2: Wednesday, July [...]

27 02, 2023

Applied DEI in Travel Online Course (DEI2306) June 6-29, 2023

2023-05-03T16:02:01+08:002月 27th, 2023|

4-week Applied DEI in Travel Online Course by the GSTC Applied DEI: Inclusion in Travel and Tourism for Visitors and Staff Dates: June 6 - June 29, 2023 Time: Live sessions at a time suitable for those in US and Europe time zone Where: Online Language: English Weekly live sessions scheduled for the following [...]

15 02, 2023

GSTC Auditor Training in Seoul (March 22-24, 2023)

2023-06-05T14:57:52+08:002月 15th, 2023|

GSTC Auditor Training Dates: March 22-24, 2023 (3-day training) Venue: ibis Styles Ambassador Seoul Myeong-dong (Address: 302 Samil-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea) Language: English Scope: GSTC Industry Criteria (Hotels and Tour operators) GSTC Auditor Training involves training class and two tests. In the GSTC Auditor Training Class, the GSTC Industry Criteria will be explained with [...]

31 10, 2022

GSTC Auditor Training in Istanbul (February 22-24, 2023)

2023-06-05T14:57:36+08:0010月 31st, 2022|

GSTC Auditor Training Dates: February 22-24, 2023 (3-day training) Venue: Dedeman Bostancı Istanbul Hotel & Convention Center (Address: İçerenköy, Değirmen Yolu Cd. No: 39B, 34752 Ataşehir/İstanbul, Turkey) Language: English (Consecutive translation in Turkish) Scope: GSTC Industry Criteria (Hotels and Tour operators) GSTC Auditor Training involves training class and two tests. In the GSTC Auditor Training Class, [...]

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