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Home/投稿/Greta Andzenge

About Greta Andzenge

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So far Greta Andzenge has created 30 blog entries.
23 11, 2015

Catalonia Receives Biosphere Certification

2015-11-23T15:32:25+08:0011月 23rd, 2015|

The autonomous region of Catalonia in Spain received on November 19 the Biosphere certification for sustainable management, economic and social development, conservation of cultural heritage, environmental conservation, quality and safety. The certification was awarded in a ceremony with the presence of the president of the Responsible Tourism Institute, which managed the Biosphere certification, the chair [...]

20 10, 2015

GSTC Signs Collaboration Agreement with Korean Partners

2015-10-20T15:06:54+08:0010月 20th, 2015|

GSTC has signed a landmark agreement with three Korean public agencies for long-term collaboration in advancing sustainability in travel and tourism throughout Korea, the Asia-Pacific, and globally. Gyeonggi Province, the Gyeonggi Tourism Organization (GTO), and the City of Suwon (capital city of Gyeonggi Province) have agreed to coordinate their efforts in a partnership with GSTC [...]

19 10, 2015

GSTC Signs Agreement for Sustainable Tourism Development with Indonesia’s Ministry of Tourism

2020-09-06T16:42:34+08:0010月 19th, 2015|

October 19, 2015 – Indonesia’s Ministry of Tourism has signed an agreement with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) to collaborate for the development of sustainable tourism in Indonesia.   Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya gave a keynote address commemorating World Tourism Day to an audience of [...]

8 10, 2015

November, 2015 TALLER GSTC – Guanajuato, México

2020-05-14T10:09:21+08:0010月 8th, 2015|

From 9-13 November, 2015, the second training workshop for leaders on Global Tourism Criteria and its application in sustainable development and sustainable tourism in Mexico and Latin America took place in Guanajuato, Mexico. The program addressed how the GSTC criteria has been implemented in the management of tourist destinations.  Activities [...]

28 09, 2015

GSTC at AFoCo Forest Week – South Korea (October 2015)

2020-09-06T15:58:48+08:009月 28th, 2015|

The ASEAN-ROK Forest Cooperation (AFoCo) held a week-long event under the theme of “Mobilizing People and Forest Together for Greener Asia” in accordance with AFoCo’s objectives to facilitate forest cooperation, undertake projects and translate sound forest policies and proven technologies into action with a mission to rehabilitate degraded forest land [...]

28 09, 2015

GSTC and Asian Ecotourism Network Sign Memorandum of Understanding

2021-06-23T10:44:14+08:009月 28th, 2015|

(28 September 2015) The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and The Asian Ecotourism Network (AEN) have formalized a partnership through a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  Areas of cooperation that the groups have agreed on include the support and endorsement of GSTC Criteria, awareness of good sustainability practices and joint advocacy and policy development activities. [...]

25 09, 2015

GSTC Contributes to ICC and UN Global Compact joint publication on scaling up sustainability

2015-09-25T22:41:52+08:009月 25th, 2015|

September 25, 2015 – The International Chamber of Commerce and the United Nations Global Compact today launched  “Scaling Up Sustainable Collaboration: Contributions of Business Associations and Sector Initiatives to Sustainable Development,” a joint publication on industry associations and sustainable development.  The launch occurred at the SDG Business Forum, part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda Summit [...]

22 09, 2015

PATA launches Tourism InSPIRE Awards 2015

2015-09-22T14:38:57+08:009月 22nd, 2015|

The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is pleased to announce the launch of the Tourism InSPIRE Awards 2015 to recognise organisations and businesses that demonstrate excellence in social, environmental, and economic sustainability in tourism. The deadline to submit applications is October 16, 2015, and there is no entry fee to submit applications. This new award [...]

22 09, 2015

November 2015 World Summit on Sustainable Tourism ST+20 – Spain

2020-05-15T10:53:54+08:009月 22nd, 2015|

Building on the Charter for Sustainable Tourism adopted at the first World Conference on Sustainable Tourism in 1995, Sustainable Tourism +20 addressed adaptation to the current world situation twenty years later.  Sustainable Tourism +20 was therefore the major event of 2015 to bring together the key actors in sustainable tourism [...]

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